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Hi Kim, I got a puppy from you this past February - Roscoe. He's 7 months old now and is absolutely beautiful. He's one of the most loving dogs we've ever had and we'd be lost without him. He's spoiled rotten as well!!! My 3 -year old spent $20.00 this morning on new toys for him!!!! He even has his own blanket and pillow for bedtime!!!! He's too cute!!! Well just wanted to say thinks for what you
do. He's a special member of our family!!! Hope all is well with you and your family. Candace. 7-28-12


Hello Kim, I wish to thank you for allowing me to get Emma even though you
were not home. She has been a delight. My mom lives in Phillisburg PA and she
was very impressed with Emma and it was obvious to us that she was loved and
cared for by you. The fact that she was paper trained was a plus....I never
expected that. Melissa Blanchard 4-25-12


Hi Kim, just wanted to shoot you an email to let you know how Harley is doing.
He is eating great and very active. We have tile and wood floors by Friday he
was an old hand at walking on them. He loves to go outside and so far we have
not had any accidents. He has been a great addition to our family. Just wanted
to thank you again. I'll send you pictures as he grows. Thanks, Heather. 8-27-11


Hi Kim! What a wonderful, sweet mini-dachshund we now have!
We are naming him Cooper. We could not be happier! He never cried on the way to our house Tuesday night. He is so content and playful! His personality is so sweet and he is so well trained. Not a single accident so far. He's eating and playing and sleeping well. He just is so cute we can hardly stand to be away from him. He's getting so spoiled. The first night David put him in the crate and he squeaked for a bit and David had him our of there and sleeping with him on
the couch instantly. The next day he cuddled with my mom all day and then he slept with us last night in the bed, along with Wes. They are adjusting to each other very well. They like to play and snuggle together. Today he had to be in his crate for a while while my mom was gone for errands (David and I are gone during the day.) We put a harness on him yesterday and that worked fine. He is getting used to the leash, when we take him out front. He is free to roam the
backyard off the leash in the fenced yard. This has to be one of the smoothest transitions we've ever had with a new puppy. We are so happy with him and blessed! I'm attaching a few pictures. He doesn't hold still for very long, so most of them show movement. I hope you don't miss him too much. We are so happy! :) Nancy & Dave  8-4-11


Hi Kim! Jill here from Mechanicsburg. EVERYONE just LOVES Link! He's our pride
and joy, and he has been wonderful. You have no idea how grateful I am that he
was already pee pad trained prior to getting him in the house. I think we've only
had 4 or 5 accidents, and normally because he couldn't get to a pee pad or he
just missed the pad. Anywho.....Like I said before, we'd be interested in a
miniature Pale Cream (just like Pear) down the road. Keep me updated on what
litters you think may have this coloring. We would go boy or girl with this one.
Thanks for everything and Link says hi!!!!  Jill   7-7-11


Hello Kim, Just letting you know Puddin (new name Mercedes, Sadie for short)
is doing fine. She slept the most of the 4 1/2 hour trip home. She was a good
girl. Her brothers took to her right away. She loves them as well. She tries to
keep romping with them, shes a little fragile so I just have to make sure they
are careful. Sadie slept in her crate for the first night with my daughter by her
side. She has adjusted very well. Playing with all her brothers toys they don't
bother with anymore. Shes having a ball! We love her to death! I'm so glad I
found your site. Getting Sadie was so worth the trip. We will send you a
picture  very soon. Thanks again :) The Myruski Family   6-1-11


Hi Kim, I meant to e-mail you sooner to up date you, Sampson & Sweet Pea
went to the Vet last Tuesday for their 10 weeks check & shots, both are
doing great. He was 4.6 lbs. & she was 3.2 lbs. (such a little peanut) all
healthy and good. They are doing great on the Royal Canin food, great
poops, ect. and love it. They're having lots of fun here and love the older
dogs and Trucker is very attached to them and very protective of them and
boy do they all keep us laughing!! Thanks again Kim & John.  5-31-11


Hi Kim! We are at the 1 year birthday mark for our little Klink (was Chaz) and he looks a lot like Jesse! He is our little cuddle buddy and goes with us everywhere. He is getting used to the boat, and even went swimming last weekend. I took the attached picture this past weekend. He has gotten really long but is lean and muscular. He is a beautiful boy, and we get tons of compliments on him. He has a fantastic sense of humor, too.  We love him dearly! Best, Alex, Gregg & Garrett.   6-8-11


HI Kim - just a note to let you know Mabel is fitting in well down here.
The entire family adores her, and Chaska has taken on the role of
mother/educator very well.  She is very protective of her Mabel and Mabel is
picking up her clues on how to behave. Some pix attached. The third picture
is Chaska showing a little bit of jealousy over Mabel's day bed. ha. ha.
Thanks so much for the wonderful addition to our family!  John 5-31-11


Hi Kim, Just wanted to let you know that we couldn't be happier with Rusty
(aka Rudy)! He is such a wonderful little goy, so much fun to have around. He
got the last of his shots today and he was declared a very healthy and happy
puppy, weighing in at 6 lbs. I really like the way you do the pages on your
website, giving pictures of each of the puppies at various stages and their
"statistics". And how you give info on each dog you breed.  Hope you have a
wonderful Easter. JoAnn  4-21-11

Hello, Today is 4 months old! We are just loving him to pieces as you will see on
photos. He is around 8 1/2 lbs. now!! He is doing well!! He is very active and
loves to be outside and that is great!! Thanks again for raising a great puppy!!
Thanks, The Whites  10-21-10

Hi Kim, Vienna is so great, she is such a smart girl. She is so well behaved,
beautiful, and loving. Everyone that meets her falls in love with her, she eats
well, plays energetically, then poops out. We feel so lucky to have her.
Thanks for everything, Jules 8-5-10

Dylan now know as Bandit (for his dear sweet face that looks like a mask).
Bandit is fitting in real well. We love him. He loves to be held and kiss
everyone, even our golden Dixie. She is so gentle with him, lays on her
back so Bandit can climb on her, so sweet to watch. Potty training going
well too. He sleeps in a change next to my bed, gets me up at 6am. You
gave us a wonderful addition to our family. Bandit will I'm sure help me
and my husband when our youngest daughter moves away to Michigan
with our Dixie girl in late Aug. Thanks so much for our little boy. Cheryl    

Wild Flowers

Kim, Thanks Again! Bandit is such a sweet and gentle boy, always ready to cuddle. He's adjusted very well to us and our home and we've started working on house training him. So far, so good. Thanks again!, Sincerely, Heather, Lance & Zoe.


Wild Flowers

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